Where children of different abilities connect, socialize and thrive

Social Butterfly services where designed to teach social reciprocity, social behavior, and executive functioning skills to children with autism and other developmental and intellectual disabilities.

The following are articles created for parents.


A World of Difference: Embracing Neurodiversity

On this episode of "A World of Difference: Embracing Neurodiversity," we were visited Darryl Owens from A World of Difference to share how we equips children with learning and attention differences with the social skills they need to regulate and recognize their...

Joint Attention

Hi, I'm Lucy, co-owner of Social Butterfly School, and this week's topic is joint attention.   Joint attention is the ability to attend to a social partner. The ability to shift between people and objects. It's also the ability to draw partners attention to objects or...

Daily Activities

Hi, I'm Lucy, co-owner of Social Butterfly School. And this week's topic is daily activities. And I know what you're thinking. I have to pick a lot of activities each day. You don't. Pick one activity. Celebrate the small successes. You can do it! What is the goal?...

Behavioral Strategies Part 4: Self-Care

Hi, I'm Lucy, co-owner of Social Butterfly School. And we are in our last topic of our four-part series on behavioral strategies. The topic for this week is taking care of yourself.   Taking care of yourself. Why is this important? If you're not okay, you will be...

Behavioral Strategies Part 2: Facilitating Communication

Hi, I'm Lucy co-owner of Social Butterfly School. And this is part two of a four-week series on behavioral strategies. This week we'll be focusing on facilitating communication. First tell your child exactly what you want them to do. Second make directions clear short...

Behavioral Strategies Part 1: Creating a Positive Home Environment

Hi, I'm Lucy, co-owner of Social Butterfly School. This is the first week of a four-part series on behavioral strategies. This week's topic creating a positive environment at home. Setting expectations, being consistent and following through. Example, if you tell your...

Teenage Social Situations

Hi, I'm Lucy, co-owner of Social Butterfly School. And this week's topic: teenagers and social situations. Teenagers on the spectrum find it hard to navigate the complexities of daily social interactions. They can have problems understanding facial expressions and...

Teenage Dating

Hi, I'm Lucy, co-owner of Social Butterfly School. And this week's topic, dating. Dating can be exciting and stressful at the same time. Imagine how difficult it becomes four teens with autism who have challenges understanding social situations. They will need your...